In this book we explain how to harmonise a melody through deeper knowledge of the chords derived from the scales. Specifically:
1) We will learn triad chord constructions in their simple version along all the frets of the instrument.
2) We will analyze basic 3 note and 4 note chord constructions
(e.g. tonic, sub dominant and dominant 7th chords) along with more complex and special chords (e.g. 9th,11th, 13th) though which new sounds can be created, expanding our musical horizons.
3) We will discover harmonic cycles and patterns and how to apply them. These cycles and patterns will provide significant guides for analyzing and playing along with music.
4) We will apply melody harmonization to our folk music in simple and complex ways, keeping the coexistence of eastern musical influences and traditional western ways of musical thinking.
5) Finally, we will practice folk music rhythm patterns, which, combined with melody harmonization, will allow us to accompany any musical piece.(Accompaniment).